Blogs - The Survival Tabs
Survival Tabs. My Experience. My Review.
Reference: Survival Tabs. My Experience. My Review. Survival, just what is survival to you? A bad snow, ice storm, hurricane, tornado, flood? What about sitting in a tree...
Simulate the End of the World With This Interactive Map of U.S. Nuclear Targets
Reference: With President Obama visiting Hiroshima and the Republican frontrunner calling for Japan and South Korea to arm themselves with nuclear weapons, the specter of atomic warfare is...
August 25, 1988 Sydney, Australia Dear Folks at The Survival Tabs, During the first few weeks of the race, when we were all slower and spent most of each...
Review – The Survival Tabs
These tabs are approximately 1″ in diameter and about 1/2 as thick. They look like a small chlorine tablet for swimming pools. They have other flavors but this particular...
A convenient, compact, lightweight, lifesaving food ration for any emergency. Ultra high-calorie food tablets provide full vitamin and mineral requirements, protein for strength, carbohydrates, dextrose, and lactose for fast...
The Ultimate Guide to Packing Safe and Nutritious Foods for International Travel
The Ultimate Guide to Packing Safe and Nutritious Foods for International TravelTraveling abroad opens up a world of adventure, cultural exploration, and culinary delights. However, maintaining a balanced diet...
Special Ops Nutrition: Precision-Engineered Survival Meals
Meet the demands of the most challenging scenarios with Special Ops Nutrition. Precision-engineered for survival, our meals offer the optimal balance of nutrients, energy, and shelf life, ensuring forces...
REPLACEMENT SURVIVAL TABS What's up everybody it's the Army's history and today I'm gonna be showing you these Survival Tabs. These are delicious meal replacements these are what you...
Mom of girl, 9, shot in school: ‘We’re happy she’s still here’
"That was something I didn't want to think about," Bowman told NBC's Miguel Almaguer in a report that aired on TODAY Friday. "I was like, 'She's gonna get through...
The Survival Tabs - Volcano Testimonial
The Survival Tabs were developed more than 30 years ago and were inspired by the early space program. Due to zero gravity in space, American scientists theorized that astronauts...
Survival Tabs vs. Traditional Food: Sustaining Life in a Zombie-Ridden World
When the world is overrun by the undead, your survival hinges on the choices you make, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Let's compare Survival Tabs with traditional...
Lava stalls short of Big Island town’s main road
Reference: Lava that has been creeping toward a small town on the Big Island has stalled just before reaching the town’s main road, officials said Saturday. Some lava...
NASA satellite captures ‘Earth-sized’ UFO emerging out of the sun: Alien craft?
Reference: An amateur astronomer, watching a live feed from NASA’s sun-monitoring satellite, captured what he believes to be an enormous, Earth-sized UFO emerging from our solar system’s yellow...
Google exec sets records with leap from near-space
Reference: Google executive Alan Eustace broke the sound barrier and set several skydiving records over the southern New Mexico desert early Friday after taking a big leap from the...
Hawaii officials warn of possible lava evacuation
Reference: Hawaii authorities on Saturday told several dozen residents near an active lava flow to prepare for a possible evacuation in the next three to five days as molten...
Astronaut Chris Hadfield took 45,000 photos from space—here are some of the best
Reference: On Christmas Eve in 1968, the astronauts of Apollo 8 saw a sight hitherto unseen by human eyes: The earth rising over the horizon of the moon....
‘Earth-sized’ UFO orbiting Sun reported: New photos captured by NASA shows image A UFO the size of the Earth was observed entering or exiting the sun this weekend, which is seen in a series of pictures taken by NASA/SOHO states...
Top 7 Foods That Slow Your Aging Healthy foods not only provide you with life-giving nutrients and fuel for all the organs in your body, they also help you keep an ideal weight. And as...
Dr. Mercola Explains How Whey Protein Can Help Slow Down Aging
It has been one of man’s fervent wishes to find a way to slow down aging and increase longevity. Emperors and kings have searched for the fountain of youth throughout the...
Homeless and hungry, college students fight rising college tuition costs
Reference: The spotlight on Occupy Wall Street may have dimmed in recent months, but college students across the country are still waging their own battles against the rapidly rising...
100 Items That Will Disappear First In The U. S. When The SHTF
Reference: We saw it with Sandy, and now you are seeing it with the severe winter storms this year, the un-prepared hoards of people buying anything and everything...
A Food Brand Started By Hispanic Immigrants Is Taking Over The US
Reference: One of America’s fastest-growing food companies is about to get much bigger. Goya Foods, which sells canned beans, rice, spices, and thousands of other grocery products is launching...
TALE OF THE SAIL : Her Survival Test Has Lasting Impact on Record-Holder
Lori Rafferty was looking for adventure when she joined the crew of a 41-foot racing yacht being delivered from Hawaii to Sydney, Australia, in 1980. What she got was...
Stranded: Amazing stories of survival against the odds
For six days in 2002, the former Intel engineer was trapped in an isolated Utah canyon with almost no food and very little water. His methodical efforts to extricate...