The Survival Tabs are essential emergency food rations
Emergency food rations are available in a supply that can last for 15 days and weigh less than 2 pounds.
Emergency food rations are essential for ensuring survival during unexpected circumstances. The items encompass survival food, emergency meals that are ready to eat, wise emergency food, a long-term supply of food, emergency preparedness food, storage for emergency food, choices for food dehydrators, foods with extended shelf life, and the optimal food for long-term storage.
The Survival Tabs provide a practical, portable, lightweight, life-preserving meal ration for any emergency circumstance. These food tablets are highly caloric and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. They also supply protein for strength, carbs, dextrose, and lactose for quick energy in urgent situations, and important fatty acids for sustained endurance at critical times. Furthermore, they possess a delightful flavor!
The mean daily intake of twelve tablets might be modified depending on the accessibility and caliber of alternative food sources. The availability of other nutrients in sufficient quantities may cause a drop in it, whereas severe famine or intense physical exercise may lead to a rise.
Every serving guarantees a complete 100% US Recommended Daily Allowance (USRDA) of 15 vital vitamins and minerals. This is an authentic "Survival Food" that has the capability to sustain your life and enable you to continue moving for several months, given the quantity you are able to transport in your backpack.
The concept of Survival Tabs
When formulating the Survival meal Tabs, several elements were taken into account to make them suitable as a lightweight, emergency, life-sustaining meal ration:
- The body's efficiency increases as food consumption decreases. Reducing food intake leads to a prolonged presence of food in the digestive tract, resulting in a more thorough assimilation. Typically, a substantial proportion of the food we consume is not metabolized and utilized as energy. The Survival Tabs are fully edible and readily absorbed by the body.
The user did not provide any text. The nutritional value of the food we consume is of greater significance than the amount we consume. Inferior protein, carbohydrate, and fat might exert excessive pressure on the digestive organs, particularly the kidneys. The Survival Tabs utilize protein with a high biological value that is fully utilized at a rate of 100%. This process aids in safeguarding the organism from the consumption of its own defensive tissues. The fat is composed only of fatty acids, which are vital components, and the carbs are of superior quality and fully utilized.

In 90% of all survival scenarios, there will be some supplementary sustenance accessible. The Survival Tabs are specifically formulated to serve as a crucial factor for ensuring survival. For instance, in the event of being stranded in a rainforest region, one could perhaps procure sustenance by consuming grubs, insects, berries, or small fauna. One must rapidly adjust till being rescued or discovering an exit. The Survival Tabs act as a crucial means of survival, providing additional support to sustain oneself for an extended period of time. In instances of desert or sea survival, where there is limited access to additional food, the Survival Tabs can provide sustenance for the predicted duration of normal life, until one is affected by exposure, the natural forces, or dehydration.
Some people have consumed Survival Food Tabs as their sole source of nutrition for a period of 4-5 months due to their inability to consume or retain any other kind of food.
Through controlled experiments, we discovered that individuals who consumed only Survival Food Tabs saw a weight loss of 5-8 lbs. within the initial week. This weight loss was primarily attributed to the elimination of previously consumed food from the intestines. Following the initial week, there is a plateau in weight loss, with a small reduction of 0-2 lbs. each week, assuming a regular and active daily activity.
The Survival Tabs offer a substantially higher amount of calories and nutrition compared to any other products now on the market. Due to their substantial caloric content and precisely balanced necessary elements, they are considered cutting-edge product in terms of survival rations.
The Survival Tabs are specifically targeted at pilots, yachtsmen, and other individuals who engage in outdoor activities. They are intended to serve as emergency food rations and as a dietary supplement to provide an immediate boost of energy. They are also favored among long-haul truck drivers who prefer not to interrupt their journey for meals.
Survival Food Tabs are an ideal, lightweight emergency food provision for inclusion in survival packs, providing a significant enhancement over candies and other fast-acting energy solutions commonly utilized.
We possess specimens of The Survival Tabs manufactured during the years 1974-75, which have been kept under normal ambient conditions. Periodic tests have indicated minimal or negligible degradation or reduction in the vitamin or nutritional content.
Testing the storage of food at elevated temperatures shows minimal degradation in nutritional content and appeal.
The tabs are completely unaffected by freezing temperatures.
The estimated shelf life of The Survival Tabs is 10 years or more. However, we recommend rotating them every 2-3 years to maintain their optimum nutritional content.
***Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.***
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720 Tabs Emergency Food Survival Gluten Free and Non-GMO 25 Years Shelf Life | Food Supply 96 Tabs Emergency Food Replacement Disaster Preparedness | Ultimate Preparedness Emergency Food Supply 25 year shelf life | Emergency Food Ration Survival MREs Food Replacement | Emergency Food Survival Food Meal Replacement MREs Gluten Free and Non-GMO | |
Day Serving | 60 days | 8 days | 120 days | 15 days | 2 days |
Shelf-Life | 25 years | 25 years | 25 years | 25 years | 25 years |
Non-GMO | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Gluten Free | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Tabs Amount | 720 | 96 | 1440 | 180 | 24 |

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