The Negative Consequence of Extended Periods without Tropical Storms: Fortunate Circumstances Come to an End

Over the past few decades, many Americans residing in areas prone to tropical storms along the Gulf and East coasts have seen a significant lack of storm activity, which may have been unusually peaceful. According to meteorologists, cities such as Tampa, Houston, Jacksonville, and Daytona Beach have a historical pattern of seeing significant tropical storms approximately every 20 to 40 years. Nevertheless, based on data analysis conducted by an esteemed tropical storm professor from MIT and The Associated Press, it has been determined that these cities have managed to avoid being struck by these colossal hurricanes for a minimum of 70 years, and in some cases, even longer than a century.

These cities, which may give the impression that they are familiar with the potential impact of a powerful tropical cyclone with gusts beyond 110 mph, such as Katrina or Andrew, have not yet experienced the full force of nature at its most intense. A study conducted by the local government in 2010 revealed that a hurricane of similar magnitude as Hurricane Andrew might result in over $200 billion worth of damage in the Tampa region. Only a small number of Tampa's present inhabitants were alive during the previous significant tropical storm that occurred in October 1921, a period characterized by silent films, prohibition, and Warren Harding's presidency. The most recent significant tropical storm in northeast Florida and southern Georgia took place during the 19th century.

"We have experienced a certain degree of fortuitousness," stated Kerry Emanuel, a professor of meteorology at MIT. In collaboration with the AP, Emanuel conducted a statistical analysis on the frequency of tropical storms impacting metropolitan areas and compared these occurrences to the most recent instance of such an event." "It is highly susceptible to catastrophe." Everyone has lost their memory of the experience.

"It is simply the principles of statistics," stated Emanuel. "Fortune will eventually diminish." The occurrence of this event is merely a matter of timing.

The upcoming tropical storm season, commencing on Monday is expected to be less active compared to previous seasons. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a 70 percent probability of below-average tropical storms, primarily due to the influence of an El Nino weather pattern. Nevertheless, even a tranquil period might give rise to a catastrophic tempest. Andrew caused significant damage to Miami in 1992, making it the second most expensive tropical storm in history. This occurred during a year with below-average tropical storm activity.


Craig Fugate, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is making arrangements for the most severe scenarios and expressing concern about the lack of preparedness among others.

According to Fugate, individuals who lack expertise tend to underestimate the severity of a situation and often choose to remain in a dangerous area instead of leaving. "It is necessary to acknowledge that whenever a significant storm poses a threat, it is a novel encounter for 99 percent of the individuals involved."

Certain individuals have experienced less intense storms and may mistakenly underestimate the harshness of a more significant storm. Fugate cautioned that this mode of thinking has the potential to be life-threatening. "The threat is not always comprehended by individuals."

According to Jay Baker, a retired professor from Florida State University who specializes in studying tropical storm evacuations, his research and surveys indicate that individuals would evacuate correctly even if they lack recent experience with storms. However, it is not only individuals, but also government officials that bear the responsibility of making difficult choices and issuing directives to the public. Among all the states that are prone to tropical storms, only Louisiana has a governor who was in office during the occurrence of a significant tropical storm. The current leadership of FEMA has undergone changes since 2005, when the previous significant storms occurred.

Fugate, who served as Florida's disaster management head throughout numerous landfalls in the state in 2004 and 2005, pointed out that there is a scarcity of individuals currently employed in Florida's state government who were also present during that time.

Special concern is been expressed by experts over the Tampa region. Emanuel predicts, based on historical storm data and computer simulations, that a significant tropical storm is expected to impact Tampa around once every 25 years. According to the National Hurricane Center, employing a slightly distinct approach, it is projected that a significant tropical storm will occur approximately once every 30 years. However, it has been several decades since the occurrence of the major event.

"It is a significant concern," stated Christopher Landsea, the science operations officer at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. "I am concerned that the next major tropical storm that hits the Tampa Bay area could result in a significant number of fatalities, potentially reaching hundreds or even thousands."

Although some may perceive regions like Tampa as "overdue" for a hurricane, experts such as Landsea and Emanuel argue that this word is not accurate. They explain that the probability of a hurricane striking a particular area does not alter based on the absence of storms in the previous year. They exhibit a high level of consistency from one year to another.

"Tropical storms are indifferent to past events, whether they occurred in the previous year or the past decade," Landsea stated. There is a possibility of a significant tropical storm occurring in Tampa-St. Pete in 2015. However, the fact that the region has not experienced a tropical storm since 1921 is irrelevant for the current season.


According to the hurricane center, the most recent occurrence of a significant tropical storm in Houston was in 1941. However, there have been lesser storms that were just below the threshold for being considered major, which have occurred more recently. Additionally, there have been large storms that have come close to Houston without directly hitting it.

Kathleen Tierney, director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, expressed significant concern about Houston due to its status as a major petrochemical hub with a high likelihood of a combined natural-technological disaster.

It has been over 160 years since Ocean City, Maryland, and Norfolk, Virginia, saw a significant tropical hurricane. Although landfalls in that area are less frequent than in Florida due to geographical factors and ocean currents, experts assert that it is possible and likely to occur in the future.


"Residing in coastal Maryland for a long time, RuthAnne Grant expressed a sense of living on the San Andreas fault," she stated while inside a hardware store on Memorial Day. "Many elderly individuals relocate to this area without any knowledge or understanding of the forthcoming events."

It has been over nine years since the United States experienced a significant tropical storm. Superstorm Sandy caused significant destruction, however it did not meet the meteorological criteria to be classified as a major tropical storm. NASA climate scientist Timothy Hall conducted an investigation to determine whether this exceptional streak might be attributed to weather or climate factors. He discovered that large storms were forming, but they did not directly impact the United States. Instead, they approached and affected islands in the Caribbean and Mexico. According to a peer-reviewed study, the absence of tropical storms impacting the United States can be attributed to chance or good fortune.

Despite the relatively lower occurrence of significant tropical storms in the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware regions compared to Florida or Texas, Fugate expresses concern about the traffic congestion and lack of expertise among the residents, particularly in Norfolk.

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