Survival Tabs Full Test - Day 5 | RevHiker
Hey everybody Drew here over RevHiker Outdoors and this is the final day of my five-day full review vlog on The Survival Tabs.
So just kind of an overview of this is the first one you're seeing.
I've been eating almost nothing but Survival Tabs for the last five days.
I did have a couple things here and there.
Bag of chips, I had a salad with my wife and a couple other little things.
So it wasn't totally purely Survival Tabs and I have been drinking a bunch of water and I have been drinking some juices and things like that and so anyway I've been tracking my weight loss and there goes my little daughter.
I've been tracking my weight loss through this thing to kind of see what that would be.
I started out at 231 or 231.2 point to something like that and I'm down so far that's the fifth day I'm down to 226.6 so it hasn't been like a huge amount of weight loss but I don't think it's just water I don't think it's you know like sometimes you can go on diets and you bathe it's basically just water weight.
I've been drinking tons of liquids and stuff like that so I don't I don't think it's just purely water weight or anything like that.
I think it's genuine weight loss, my energy levels have been good again you know if the test has been affected somewhat because I was up all night one night with my daughter who was sick who's home again can't go to daycare today I'm watching her again.
So you know it has been affected by that so I can't but you know I can't speak to exactly how they are because the conditions weren't perfect but I think it's a good real-world test because in some sort of situation whether it's natural disaster or something like that where you're going to be using The Survival Tabs.
You know there's gonna be other factors playing in and they're probably not going to be the only food you have.
So I think it's a pretty good real-world test and so far I'm pretty happy with it my hunger not nearly as bad yesterday and this morning as it has been the rest of the week.
I think that is kind of starting to wear off and my energy has been good.
So anyway I'm pretty I'm pretty pleased with The Survival Tabs, I really I really think they work really well now obviously I haven't done a really long test.
I mean five days is not massive and this is just the beginning of the fifth day so but what I have seen so far is that I think they're good at keeping your energy up like I said.
There's a good amount of B vitamins in there and I definitely think that these have a place in a bug-out bag where you're concerned about weight and space.
The Survival Tabs can pack down the shelf life is unbelievable and even after you crack it open whether it's the little pouches or the bottles, the containers it's 90 days after that.
So even after and I suspect it's probably longer but they just tell you 90 days.
So I think it's a really good product they'll have a place in my bug-out bag and they'll probably have a place on my ultralight hiking.
I think they'll work really well for that kind of stuff as a supplement, I think that I could carry another you know a couple like calorie dense foods along with these two supplements so that I could go a little bit lighter and again not everyone's gonna be able to do that.
Some people need to take in massive calories when they're on the trail especially guys who are thinner.
I've known guys that are you know thin as a rail you can see the ribs and you can see every muscle on their body and they'll eat three times as much as I do and that's just because their metabolism is like million miles an hour whereas mine is on like slow motion.
So I don't even have to eat all that much to be satisfied, I do like snacking and sweets so you know I'm not gonna pretend like I don't but there are guys that eat a lot more than me and or a lot thinner.
So for them if your metabolism is super high what these might do for you is you take your regular food and you can put some of these in because they're really nutrient dense.
So they've got a lot of the vitamins and the minerals that you might be missing just trying to gorge on calories.
So anyway those are my thoughts I will check back in tomorrow will be the final video after I go this entire day still on them I'll give you my final weight loss tomorrow morning and we will give you just an overview similar to what this is and in that video I will be announcing the winners of the giveaway.
I'm still trying to dream up something cool for that.
So once again guys thank you for all the shares for all the comments really appreciate the support and I wish you guys all the best of luck in winning our two giveaways remember two people are getting this giveaway on YouTube and one on Instagram.
So potentially you could win both if you enter on both.
Again my Instagram is at red hiker and I can't remember if I mentioned it but my weight is 226.6 so I lost 0.2 pounds yesterday.
So anyway thanks for watching guys I appreciate don't forget to like share subscribe and comment to get in on the giveaway.
God bless you guys have a great day and I will talk to you later.
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