How to earn money selling emergency survival food with Survival Tabs affiliate marketing

Affiliate network

An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between publishers (affiliates) and merchant affiliate programs. It allows website publishers to more easily find and participate in affiliate programs which are suitable for their website (and thus generate income from those programs), and allows websites offering affiliate programs (typically online merchants) to reach a larger audience by promoting their affiliate programs to all of the publishers participating in the affiliate network.

Traditional affiliate networks enable merchants to offer publishers a share of any revenue that is generated by the merchant from visitors to the publisher's site, or a fee for each visitor on the publisher's site that completes a specific action (making a purchase, registering for a newsletter, etc.). The majority of merchant programs have a revenue share model, as opposed to a fee-per-action model.

For merchants, affiliate network services and benefits may include tracking technology, reporting tools, payment processing, and access to a large base of publishers. For affiliates, services and benefits can include simplifying the process of registering for one or more merchant affiliate programs, reporting tools, access to product API's and payment aggregation.

Affiliates are generally able to join affiliate networks for free, whereas there is generally a fee for merchants to participate. Traditional affiliate networks might charge an initial setup fee and/or a recurring membership fee. It is also common for affiliate networks to charge merchants a percentage of the commissions paid to affiliates, this is known as an 'over-ride' and is payable on top of the affiliates commission.

Affiliate networks are also wary of new affiliates who do not have any known connections or experience in the industry because there have been many instances where individuals have tried to game the affiliate network. The current technological advances have given many tools to affiliate networks to fight cyber fraud in a more meaningful and effective way.

Affiliate Marketers can also join as an affiliate directly with major companies as they may have affiliate programs on their websites.


Join our affiliate program to sell survival tabs to start earning money while you sleep:

What is Survival Tabs

The Survival Tabs were developed more than 30 years ago and were inspired by the early space program. Due to zero gravity in space, American scientists theorized that astronauts might experience difficulty digesting food properly, potentially causing malnourishment. Of great importance was maintaining the astronauts’ physical functions such as dexterity, stamina, coordination, and mental alertness. Thus began the search for a food product that would provide the daily nutrition needed to carry out missions, while meeting the tight storage requirements of spacecrafts. By combining high biological value proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids with 100% USRDA of 15 essential vitamins and minerals in a delicious chewable tablet, The Survival Tabs provide the best possible nutrition in the smallest possible volume. Just as the space program has evolved, so has the uses for The Survival Tabs. With a significant 25-year shelf life, The Survival Tabs are ideal for long-term food storage. Because they are packed with vitamins and minerals to help sustain energy and are also lightweight and easy to carry, The Survival Tabs are being used by outdoor enthusiasts, busy professionals, athletes and rescue teams around the globe.

The Survival Tabs can be used as a complete meal replacement and, in times of natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes and floods, are a life-sustaining source of highly nutritious and energy dense food.

State and federal authorities recommend that every family keep a good supply of food rations in a safe place along with their emergency supplies in case of natural disasters, emergencies and catastrophes strike.

This is where The Survival Tabs excel as a lightweight, cost efficient nutrient-packed emergency food with a 25-year shelf life.

120 days ultimate preparedness Emergency  Food Supply 25 year shelf life strawberry, chocolate, butterscotch, and vanilla. 8 bottles x 180 tabs

  • The 'Just in Case' Food Supply, The Survival Tabs SHTF Bugout Food backup for the situations such as natural disasters. This is the best possible food in the smallest possible volume. Created to supply the body with all the daily essential vitamins and minerals needed when facing uncertainty. The compact design allows for easy storage and is perfect for individual emergency kits.
  • SHTF Bugout Food Contain 100% of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals. Made with the highest quality protein. GLUTEN FREE and NON-GMO.
  • This SHTF Bugout Food Combo will sustain a person for 60 day | This calculation is based upon one average person. Consumption requirements may vary from person to person.
  • Flavor: Mixed Flavor. | Contains: 4 x 180 tablets. | Servings: 12 Chewable Tablets - 20 Calories per tab.
  • Weight: Approximately 1.8 pound per bottle. Dimensions (inches): L 7.5 x W 5 x D 2.75.


The Survival Tabs contain 100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals. Made with the highest quality protein which is essential in survival situations where your body needs to assimilate as much as possible from what you eat.

Generally, of the food we eat, most is not absorbed as an effective use of calories. A calorie is basically a unit of energy that our bodies need to keep going. Our bodies use calories much like a car uses fuel. Because The Survival Tabs are 100% digestible and assimilated into your system, they use all of the calories to fuel your body. Combined with high-quality protein, fatty acids and carbohydrates, The Survival Tabs are an efficient means to nourish your body. The greatest possible nutrition in the smallest possible volume.


We have samples of The Survival Tabs that were produced in 1974-75. They have been stored at room temperature. We test them periodically and have found little, if any, deterioration or loss of vitamin or food value. Our results showed negligible loss in these areas. Freezing temperatures will have no effect at all on these tablets. We would estimate the shelf-life is 25 years, but suggest rotating them to ensure maximum food value every 2-3 years.


Twelve 3.9 grams of The Survival Tabs contains: Fat 25%, Protein 9%, Carbohydrates 58%, Iron 18 mg. (as Ferrous Fumarate), other minerals, 2% (from milk solids), and the following vitamins in percentages shown of their USRDA adult allowance. There are approximately 20 calories in a 3.9 gram The Survival Tab.
Vitamin A........ ..... 5,000 I.U...... ...100%
Vitamin D........ ..... 400 I.U. ...........100%
Vitamin E.......... ... 30 E.I.U. ..........100%
Thiamine (B1). ..... 1.5 mg. .............100%
Riboflavin ... ..........1.7 mg. ............100%
Niacin ... ...............20.0 mg. ..........100%
Pyridoxine (B6)..... 2.0 mg. ............100%
Folic Acid ... .........0.4 mg. ............100%
Vitamin B12 ... ......3.0 mg. ............100%
Vitamin C ... ..........60.0 mg. .........100%

Package Includes:

- 4 x 24-tab pouch (Each pouch is 1 flavor: Butterscotch, Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate).

The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates, and specialized third party vendors.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC – Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, content marketing, and (in some sense) display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.

Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to the retailer. The two forms of marketing are differentiated, however, in how they drive sales, where affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations, while referral marketing relies more on trust and personal relationships.

Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies.

The added value of affiliate marketing is the fact that advertisers can collaborate with hundreds of partners, the affiliates, without engaging in direct communication with them. Therefore, the advertisers can increase their market position without a need to conduct time-consuming processes of recurring approvals and relationship building with partners. These tasks are performed by the affiliative system operator, who establishes contact with the advertisers and with the partners and enables advertisers to benefit from the advertising capacity of partners from all around the world. From advertisers' perspective, advertising services are provided by the operator and not by each partner engaged within the affiliation system.

Analogically, the affiliates (partners) are able to provide advertising services without any interaction with advertisers since the affiliate panel gives partners access to all the necessary information needed to run an advertising campaign. Such information includes, for example, advertising materials for each advertised product and service category, geolocation data for individual advertising campaigns for each advertised product and service category, which can be advertised in accordance with its geolocation. Additionally, the affiliate panel includes information about rates per lead generated in a campaign per geolocation. From the perspective of the partners, their services are rendered to the operator and not the advertisers


Affiliate Marketing FAQs

What Does Affiliate Marketing Mean?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company pays others (e.g., bloggers) to advertise their products and services and generate sales. Affiliates place ads or market the products or services on their website, app, or blog. Commissions are paid on leads that convert to sales.

How Do I Become an Affiliate Marketer?

To become an affiliate marketer, consider what platform you will use to promote products and/or services. Blogs are an effective channel for advertising and promoting as it allows the blogger, serving as an expert, to express an opinion about the offering.

After identifying a platform, find a specific category that you are comfortable with or interested in. A focused segment can better help you attract a dedicated consumer base. Research affiliate programs and choose one or more based on your needs, whether it be earning high commissions or generating more traffic. Lastly, develop solid and interesting content around the offerings and work to increase traffic to your site.

What Is an Example of Affiliate Marketing?

Buzzfeed is a New York-based digital media company known for viral news and entertainment stories, quizzes, and product reviews. Its Buzzfeed Shopping segment features and reviews different partners' products and services. Visitors can read Buzzfeed's product reviews and select affiliate links to purchase. Buzzfeed earns a commission from each sale generated from their website.

How Much Money Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?

Incomes for affiliate marketers vary, with some making a few hundred dollars and some making six figures. It depends on what is being marketed, how much influence the marketer has, the affiliate's reach, and how much time is invested in marketing products. Often, those spending more time marketing the company's products will earn more money.

The Bottom Line

Affiliate marketing is a unique and profitable advertising model that is becoming increasingly popular. The Internet and improved technologies make it easier to implement for the company and the affiliate.

Companies have improved how they track and pay commissions on qualified leads. Being better able to track leads and sales contributes to how they can improve or better position their products.

Those interested in pursuing affiliate marketing will benefit from understanding what's involved, as well as what the associated advantages and disadvantages are. Companies seeking affiliates will benefit from properly vetting and qualifying their partners. Overall, it is a low-cost, effective way of advertising products and services, increasing brand awareness, and expanding a consumer base.

Click below to join our affiliate program to earn money now!

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