An Analysis of Survival Food Tabs: Their Function and Taste Profile

I was not aware of The Survival Tabs prior to beginning my prepping journey. I encountered a few articles and observed their packaging; however, my comprehension was superficial. Nevertheless, I ultimately resolved to acquire these tabs to assess their flavor and prospective application in my emergency preparedness plans, as I am motivated by my inherent curiosity, a characteristic that is prevalent in the prepping community.

At first, I believed that these tabs could be conveniently stored in a car emergency case or a bug-out bag. However, I harbored reservations regarding their flavor and their actual efficacy in maintaining life during exigencies. The tablets' mild, vaguely chocolate malt milkshake flavor, which was underwhelming, was supported by my taste test. I was initially misinformed about the flavor selection, as I mentioned in a video description. In addition to vanilla malt, there are also chocolate, butterscotch, and strawberry flavors.

One substantial disadvantage of these tablets is their calorie content. Each tablet contains only 240 calories. In order to achieve a minimum intake of approximately 1200-1300 calories, an adult woman such as myself must consume a minimum of six tablets per day. This is a daunting and unappealing prospect. Although they may not be suitable for long-term sustenance, these tabs could still be a transient solution in a dire situation, provided that you have access to additional food sources. This realization emphasizes the necessity of a diverse array of nutritional options in any emergency kit and the significance of comprehensive preparation.

The Survival Tabs have their origins in the space program and have evolved throughout time.

The Survival Tabs were created more than 30 years ago, drawing inspiration from the difficulties encountered by the early space program. Concerned about the impact of zero gravity on astronauts' digestion and the potential for malnutrition, American scientists aimed to find a meal solution that would enable astronauts to sustain essential physical capabilities such as dexterity, stamina, coordination, and mental alertness while on space missions. As a result, a compact and nutrient-rich food product was developed to fulfill the strict storage limitations of spacecraft.

The Survival Tabs are created by blending proteins with high biological value, necessary carbs, and fatty acids, together with a complete set of 15 important vitamins and minerals according to the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances (USRDA). This leads to the creation of a tablet that can be easily chewed and provides the most effective nourishment in a small size, making it ideal for use in space and other limited conditions.

As the space program has progressed, the applications of The Survival Tabs have also expanded. These tabs are currently employed by a wide array of individuals, including outdoor enthusiasts, busy professionals, athletes, and emergency rescue teams on a global scale. Boasting an impressive 25-year lifespan, these products are perfectly suited for extended storage, making them an excellent choice for situations when access to normal food sources is limited.

The Survival Tabs are specifically formulated to provide sustenance for prolonged durations. An individual could perhaps depend only on these tabs for a duration of 4-5 months. Each daily intake of 12 tablets has 240 calories, which helps to give essential sustenance when regular dietary requirements cannot be fulfilled. This renders them an indispensable asset for survival in dire circumstances where the ability to gather food is unavailable.

During an emergency, a bottle containing 180 pills can sustain an individual for 15 days by consuming the recommended daily dosage of 12 tablets. In more extreme conditions, this supply can be stretched to last for 30 days. Once the tabs are opened, they remain effective for a maximum of 90 days. However, if they are not opened, they can be stored for up to 25 years. This makes them a wise option for preparing for disasters.

The Survival Tabs exhibit remarkable effectiveness in digestion, boasting a 99% absorption rate. This guarantees that the body utilizes almost all of the ingested nutrients. Within a span of five minutes after consumption, the body can readily access and utilize 97% of the protein included in the tablets for the purpose of tissue repair and fluid replenishment. Originally designed for astronauts, these tablets are made with high-quality components to provide necessary daily vitamins and minerals, promoting crucial physiological activities necessary for survival.


***Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.***

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